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Return to School Covid Protocols

Covid19 Protocol for Dublin School of Mandarin Chinese

Covid19 Protocol

Staff Contract

Return to Work Questionnaire

1. Students

a. Student should not attend school if they are displaying any symptoms of COVID, been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 or to be told to quarantine by doctors.

b. Students must always keep their social distance in school.

c. Sanitise hands before entering the classroom and eating.

d. Students must wear the face covering at all times inside the classrooms.

2. Staying safe at school

a. Enhanced cleaning regimes.

b. Offer hybrid learning for those who are home-schooling.

c. Provide guidance and support to the school community.

d. Social distancing should be followed between staffs and parents.

e. Following the latest government guidelines.

3. If your child becomes unwell at school

a. Parent will be contacted immediately to collect the student.

b. The whole class will be taking the following class online or until further notice.

c. Please refer to the HSE website re close contact

4. Staff

a. Ensure the sanitiser and cleaning products are fully stocked.

b. Sanitise the school furniture before and after each class.

c. School screening flowchart.

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