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The end of 2020 walk

The event was sponsored by the Taiwan in Ireland, the Taipei Representative Office in Ireland and organised by the Dublin School of Mandarin Chinese. Dublin School of Mandarin Chinese started online classes in April 2020, over 6 months spent under the condition of "lockdown." Although the vaccine is about to arrive in January 2021, everyone would have to spend this Christmas in the shadow of the cold epidemic. In order to create some Christmas joy and to be able to meet everyone physically, as well as to promote #TaiwanCanHelp and put it into action, we invited teachers, students, parents and the Taiwanese community to come out and exercise, and distributed high-quality printed with Taiwan in Ireland cloth Masks for everyone. From the beautiful and lovely town of Bray, located in the southern suburbs of Dublin, walked to the famous Bray head and then to the summit. After descending the mountain, walked back along Cliff Walk for a total of ten kilometers, dragged tiring feet back to the center of Bray, rewarded with a cup of authentic Taiwanese bubble tea and Japanese bento.

Thanks to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for provided masks, lunch, and Taiwan’s authentic bubble tea, allowed everyone to participate in this fitness activity.


都柏林中文學校今年從四月起開始網路上課至今。2020年有近半年的生活是在“封城”的情況下度過, 雖說疫苗即將在明年一月到來,但今年的聖誕節大家恐怕還得在冷酷疫情的陰影下度過。為營造一些聖誕歡樂氣氛和能與大家實體見面,以及提倡#TaiwanCanHelp並付諸於行動,都柏林中文學校邀請學校師生與僑胞在聖誕節前夕出來健身一下,並發放印有Taiwan in Ireland的優質環保口罩給大家。從美麗可愛坐落在都柏林南部外郊的Bray小鎮,健走到著名的十字架,再攻頂到Bray Head。下山後沿著Cliff Walk走回來共十公里,拉著疲憊的雙腳回到Bray的市中心,獎勵自己一杯道地的台灣珍珠奶茶和日式便當。

感謝外交部提供的口罩, 午餐和台灣道地的珍珠奶茶,讓僑胞及友人參與此次健身活動,也促進大家彼此的交流。

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